Sunday, 7 December 2014

What went on with the Presbyterian Church (USA) this year?
After passionate debate over how best to help break the deadlock between Israel and the Palestinians, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted on Friday at its general convention to divest from three companies that it says supply Israel with equipment used in the occupation of Palestinian territory. [Which are Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Motorola Solutions - The PCUSA has about $21 invested with these companies]

The vote, by a count of 310 to 303, was watched closely in Washington and Jerusalem and by Palestinians as a sign of momentum for a movement to pressure Israel to stop building settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and to end the occupation, with a campaign known as B.D.S., for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions.

The measure that was passed not only called for divestment but also reaffirmed Israel’s right to exist, endorsed a two-state solution, encouraged interfaith dialogue and travel to the Holy Land, and instructed the church to undertake “positive investment” in endeavors that advance peace and improve the lives of Israelis and Palestinians. It also said the motion was “not to be construed” as “alignment with or endorsement of the global B.D.S.” movement by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
There are several points I want to focus on here.  The first is the BDS Campaign.  This is a nebulous group of Palestinian organisations that aim through peaceful means (primarily civil resistance through boycots in academics, culture, military, consumer, financial, etc) for recognision of a Palestinian State.  It is not a new group - having been founded in 2005.  A visit to its website will get you some idea of the involvement of this group.  Some of the data and news it has collected will give you some valuable insights for those who are interested in Eschatology. But if one was to summarise the premis behind the campaign it is that it is based on the same model that was effected against South Africa during the Apartheid Era.  There is though one key difference.  South Africa had no reasonable grounds whatsoever for apartheid, but Israel has every ground for claiming the promised land as their own...because it was God!
 “We’re still committed to Israel and its right to exist, but we’re concerned about the occupation and think Israel can do better,” [Rev]. Parsons (PCUSA, Stated Clerk)
The USA Synod of the Presbyterian Church has been very careful to explain itself in a way that appeases the most people.  It supports the BDS movement on one hand, but although referencing the group, they ask that this motion not be seen as, "alignment or endorsement."  But they did!  Secondly they reaffirm Israel's right to exist.  That gets them away from being called anti-semitic.  Thirdly, despite Israel's right to exist, and the fact that God's Land Covenant with the Nation of Israel, as given to Abraham meant that the land belongs to Israel, they go contrary to that by endorsing a two-state solution.  Then comes the other more trivial things likeeoncouraging  interfaith dialog (actually not that trivial, but in the context of this post we will consider it as such) and travel to the Holy Land. 

It may not wish to be seen as aligning to BDS but it has certainly, by referencing it, shown itself to be influenced by this lobby group.
The Presbyterian Church (USA) divestment decision is inspiring and morally courageous. It is a victory for all peace with justice loving people around the world. It shows that commitment to justice comes with a moral obligation to act: the time has come for other church denominations to follow suit....This groundbreaking decision by the Presbyterian Church (USA) is a warning to HP, Motorola, Cat and other corporations complicit with Israel’s occupation that pressure on them is building and they must withdraw from these damaging contracts in Israel and be held accountable (Basan Mitri, BDS National Committee)
The Presbyterian Church USA is not alone in joining the divestment program.     
The Church of England’s most senior decision-making body, the General Synod, voted to disinvest from “companies profiting from the illegal occupation [of Palestine]”. Caterpillar manufactures D9 bulldozers used by the Israeli armed forces for house demolitions. [Source: Electronic Intifada]
That this Synod:
(a) heed the call from our sister church, the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East, for morally responsible investment in the Palestinian occupied territories and, in particular, to disinvest from companies profiting from the illegal occupation, such as Caterpillar Inc, until they change their policies;
The Episcopal Churches are a part of the larger Anglican Communion, of which the Church of England is a part of.  Think of it like England, while being the driving force behind the British Empire - being the seat of Monarchy, England is still just one part of that Empire.  Interstingly, the Electronic Intifada reported dismay that the Anglican Church has failed to carry out the divestment. [The Electronic Intifada is an independent online news publication and news agency focusing on Palestine.  The use of the word Intifada (meaning "shaking off" or nowadays, "uprising or "resistance" has a much deeper historical meaning.]

So what is wrong with this decision?  On the surface it appears that Israel is being the bad guy by buldozing Palestinian settlements on the west bank and creating a perimeter wall along its borders.  Those actions have seen Israel proven guilty by various International Courts for these actions so one could argue that the descision by PCUSA is morally correct and legitimate. However, whenever any group or individual enters into this conflict, either directly or legislatively, they must make sure that they look at the bigger picture.

The "evil" collection?
I will give you an example.  Recently, Danish toymaker Lego will not renew a promotional contract with Royal Dutch Shell following pressure from environmental group Greenpeace.  Shell's contract with Lego is such that lego makes shell station, oil rig toys and characters that are handed out at Shell stations in 30 countries around the world.  Lego has contracts also with companies like Ferrari and the Star Wars franchise amongst others.  Greenpeace is has had a long-running dispute with Shell over drilling in the Arctic. 

Shell is a massive multinational while lego is much smaller.  Rather than target the big guy, try and cut off the small support guys. It is a military tactic along activist lines - rather than confront a much stronger army at the front, try and work on cutting off supply lines to starve the power.

Greenpeace's justification for this action is that Shell is using lego to build brand loyalty with children who are the next generation of consumers. That is the official spin, but the motive is not the impact on young kids and their toys, but on trying to damage Royal Dutch Shell.  This small victory empowers other activist groups to try the same - which is exactly what has happened - from the environment to soft drinks to skinny models.

What is happening in our context is that a large powerful group (US backed Israel) cannot be affected much by the Palestinian movement, so it instead targets the supply lines.  The PCUSA is being played and through lack of discernment on the part of PCUSA they fell for it.  In the larger context, this was the USA Presbyerian Church, which is seen as a much greater prize than say if the Australasian branch of the PC does the same.  Simply because, it is coming from the USA. 

At a time when Israel is bombing Gaza and bulldozing palestinan settlements in Palestinian occupied territory, down the road Egypt too is bulldozing settlements near its border with Gaza.

Egyptian bombing to clear a 1km wide buffer zone along the Sinai border.

Egypt plans to double the size of a buffer zone along its border with the Gaza Strip.
The government says the measure is intended to put an end to the movement of armed fighters and weapons from Gaza to Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.
The first phase of the operation began in October, days after 30 Egyptian soldiers were killed in a suicide attack on a checkpoint close to the Gaza border.
Thousands of people in northern Sinai were ordered to move out. Their homes were then bulldozed and bombed. The buffer zone runs for about 13km along Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip.
The first phase cleared an area 500 metres wide, destroying homes and tunnels used for smuggling. The security buffer is now being extended to one kilometre. [Source Al Jazeera 6 Dec 2014]
 And hardly a squeak from the world's media or complaints from Palestinian groups about this.  Not to mention that the Egyptians are using Caterpillar machinery too.
Palestinians Breach More Sections Of Egyptian Border
You will never hear that Palestine has never existed as a nation - ever.  You will never hear that when the Jews returned to Israel, the arab refugees were prohibited from settling in neghouring countries like Jordan and the like (similar to what is happening with Syrian refugees today.)  Simply put,  Arabs did not look after arabs.  You will not be told that in 1948, the Arabs were offered their own state on the West of the Jordan river as well as Israel - but their rejected it.  You may not know the reason for that - because you will also never hear much about how Hamas's ultimate and non-negotiable aim is for the total annihilation of Israel - co-existence is off the table.  So the PCUSA's declaration in wanting a two state solution will never be a possibility while they containue with that aim.  You have probably never heard of the poll taken last September where 80% of palestinians said it was OK to fire missiles at Israel. You are also not aware that the day before Operation Protective Edge (Israel's attacks on Gaza) that 80 rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza

I am not adding this to point out a justification for Israeli (and Egyptian) attacks against Palestinians, but to bring in a bit of balance to the situation.  However, we must remember that prophetically speaking, the day will come when the World will come militarily against Israel.  So things like the recent boming near the UN Rafah school in Gaza which "appalled" the US State Department and for which the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon described it as, "a moral outrage and a criminal act,"  the 'World' will one day get fed up and fight back.

It is worth pointing out that the PCUSA decision is a trend that is happening across America and the world.  I want you to consider for a moment one thing that seems to be missing from many Eschatological summaries - Where is America?  You will hear people tell you that America is "Babylon."  or that America is wiped out before Armageddon somehow, but neither of those holds the answer.  Russia, Turkey, Germany (EU?), Egypt, Jordan, Syria, the real Babylon in Iraq and the rest of the Middle east gets mentioned.  Perhaps China too (as the vast army from the East?)  But oddly enough America is not mentioned.  I am not going to debate whether the USA is good or bad, or even try to determine here if they are the future One World Government or other conspiracies, instead I have focused on how the American-Israeli, and other Israeli relations are targetted by enemies with one ultimate goal - the destruction of Israel, because the adversary knows that with Israel out of the equation, there will be no one to cry out, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord." (matt 23:39)

It does not take much to understand that Israel receives a huge amount of support from America. America, along with Britain are Israel's supply lines. America has recently voted to increase military spending on Israel. ($225 million signed off in August for the Iron Dome system and has given over $10 billion in aid).  America's relationship with Israel extends over 11 Presidents, beginning just minutes after Harry Truman's famous recognition of Israel minutes after they signed independence.

We do know from prophecy that Babylon (in Iraq) will become the world centre of economic and political power (Zech 5:5-11) so somewhere between now and then, the US loses its strength.  The bible never directly mentions the USA as being overthrown or defeated.  We do know that the Antichrist (and this is not, and cannot be, Obama) rules over 10 kingdoms (Dan 7:24a).  He will war against the 10 kings (Dan 11:40-45) resulting in worldwide dominon (except for the three ancient kingdoms of Edom, Moab and Ammon (v41) which are all a part of present day Jordan.  I beleive that America will simply become complicit with a worldwide trend against Israel.

I am intrigued when I read The Deuteronomy account just before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Moses defeated King Og.  This occurred in the Trans-Jordan.  The land 'East of the Jordan River" was given to the half tribe of Manasseh, Reuben and Gad. (Deut 3) These three tribes did not occupy the Promised Land West of the Jordan.  However, they agreed to fight with the rest of Israel in taking the Land, after which they could return.This they did until in Joshua 22 where Joshua released them back to the Trans-Jordan.  With that in mind, notice how Jordan, of all the Arab countries, seems to be the one that is more tolerant of Israel.  The Manassites, Reubenites and Gadites may yet be called upon to play an important role in the Last days.

With that piece of information, what is happening in America in recent times.
"While Israeli academics have grown used to such news from Great Britain, where anti-Israel groups several times attempted to establish academic boycotts, the formation of the United States movement marks the first time that a national academic boycott movement has come out of America."
 That group is called the "U.S. Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel." (USACBI).   The Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS) voted to boycott Israeli universities and academic institutions in April 2013 .  Joined by the American Studies Association in December.  Most of these boycotts are merely symbolic gestures that do not have the support of many academics.  But symbolism can have a power of its own.

Product ban.  Here are some pictrures coantining products targetted as having links with Israel.  The ban products movements rely on the guilt trip that, "these products kill people."  Note where I took them from
 I had to chuckle at the irony of the Kiwi BACON company logo!
Note the top left and top right pictures.  The title of the email that supplied this was: "Take Revenge of the Enemy of Islam
 There is an act in America that prohibits boycotting Israel.  Many of the companies above are American and their links to Israel is tenuous.The target is the suppy chain.  The ultimate aim is not these companies, nor one particular church, like the Presbyterian Church or academic institution, but to bring the USA to the point of abandoning support for Israel.  When that happens, the floodgates open, as, prophetically, it inevitably will.  America's non prominant role in the last days is probably more to do with its increasing disownership of Israel.

As Israel’s primary patron of economic, military and diplomatic support, the United States has a duty and the capacity to help resolve the Palestinian-Israel conflict. It should either comply with its domestic laws and cease military aid to Israel or simply step aside and allow international mechanisms to function without obstruction. 
And what exactly are those "international mechanisms?" Now notice the subtle play on guilt
 The Department of State annually notes Israel’s systematic abuse of human rights against Palestinians. Congress has nevertheless renewed aid to Israel without scrutiny either by willful ignorance or disregard. In the eyes of our 535 elected representatives, Israel can do no wrong
And the best way for the world to take action against Israel?  The one thing only that prevents military action against it, like that taken against other countries for the same accusations - America's right of Veto on the UN security council. 
 Short of complying with its own laws, the United States can also step aside and allow international mechanisms to function. The United States has incapacitated the U.N. Security Council by using its veto power to shield Israel from accountability 40 times between 1972 and 2011. The only other situation where the U.S. used its veto power so systematically was to protect colonial and apartheid regimes in South Africa, Rhodesia and Namibia. The United States has similarly undermined the efficacy of the International Court of Justice, the Human Rights Council and, as we are currently witnessing, the International Criminal Court.
The U.S. is a central part of the problem in the Palestinian-Israel conflict. To be a part of the solution, it needs to do less, not more. [Source: New York Times. Emphasis mine]
So those against Israel see hope with the precedents involving South Africa, Rhodesia and Namibia.  We have seen the power of Veto on the Security council in recent times over Syria.  Many countries wanted military action against the Syrian Government but only for Russia to veto. As it turns out, and irrespetive of Russia's veto or not, Syria is a destabilised mess and now the world is worried about the Islamic State.  ISIS was probably inevitable regardless of the UN votes.  So I take particular interest in NZ now being voted onto the security council in one of the temporary seats.  And one of the things it campainged on is removal of the veto powers

“The case for reform of the Security Council has become utterly compelling,” Murray McCully.  Speech to the UN General Assembly in New York on Sept. 29
Foreign Minister Murray McCully's stance against the overuse of veto power could be what secures New Zealand a spot on the United Nations Security Council.
Otago University international relations expert Robert Patman  says there is growing concern among the UN's member states that the five permanent members of the council – France, the UK, the US, Russia and China – are using their power of veto irresponsibly.
"New Zealand feels, like many small countries, the UN has been marginalised by events like in Gaza, Iraq, the Ukraine, and it's high time the UN functioned much better," Dr Patman said on Firstline this morning.
"At the moment it's dysfunctional in the sense that many pressing problems are ignored because someone in the Security Council wields a veto. If that veto could be restrained, then perhaps the organisation could function much better as a whole." [Source 3News 3 Sept 2014]
NZ got resoundingly elected onto the council during the first ballot - 145 out of 193 votes.

Christianity is by nature, pro Israel.  This is based on the simple promise given to Abraham and implied to refer to Abraham's discendants through God's chosen heir - Isaac and hense to Israel.
​ ​​​​​​I will bless those who bless you, ​​​​​​but the one who treats you lightly I must curse, ​​​​​​and all the families of the earth will bless one another by your name.” Gen 12:3
The enemy knows that in order to defeat israel, it needs two things out of the equation.  The first is America and the second is the Church.  America is the physical stronghold, while the church is the spiritual stronghold.

Any way of destablilising either one is seen as a small victory. Jesus has this to say about his people (ie, believers in Him.)
“You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its flavor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled on by people. Matt 5:13

The Church is the Earth's salt.  Salt does two things  - Preserves and flavours.  While the Church is here, the earth is preserved from spoiling.  But what we see evidence here in the Presbyterian Church is salt losing its flavour.  Eventually thought the physical stronghold (USA) will weaken, while the spiritual stronghold (the Church) will be taken up.  When those happen...then end will come swiftly.  

So what else has the USA Presbyterian Church been up to...
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), with nearly 1.8 million members, has been losing members and influence in recent decades, in part from wrenching debates over whether to ordain gay clergy members and permit same-sex marriages, a step the assembly approved here on Thursday. (Washington Post)
The same is true of the Episcopal Church in America who also have been hit hard by debates over Homosexuality.  So what we see in the Prebyterian Church (USA) is history repeating.  This vote in favour of divestment comes in the same year as this:
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has become the fourth Protestant denomination in the U.S. to allow the ordination of gay and lesbian clergy.
It follows a majority vote by the 173 presbyteries (district governing bodies) on Tuesday to change the body’s constitution in order to allow openly gay people in same-sex relationships to be ordained as ministers, elders and deacons. [Source: Christian Post]
Reverend Parsons had this neutral position on this decision.
“Some people are going to celebrate this day because they’ve worked for it for a long time, and some people will mourn this day because they think it’s a totally different understanding of Scripture than they have.
“I hope that going forward we can stay together and be faithful witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” (parsons)

Since then, about 260 congregations have left the 2.8 million-member Presbyterian Church USA, said the Rev. Gradye Parsons, who serves as the stated clerk of the church’s general assembly in Louisville. Similar schisms have erupted in the Episcopal Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. [Source:]
Notice the use of the word schism. This is not lost on me - SCHISM; a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief.  For believers supposedly belonging to one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, and one baptism (ie, into Christ) (Eph 4:4-5) you would think then that a schism is not of God...or is it?

One one hand we read this
For they said to you, “In the end time there will come scoffers, propelled by their own ungodly desires.” These people are divisive, worldly, devoid of the Spirit. Jude 1:18-19
But then on the other hand we read this.  And this I believe is pertenant to the debate over this issue
For in the first place, when you come together as a church I hear there are divisions among you, and in part I believe it. For there must in fact be divisions among you, so that those of you who are approved may be evident.  1Cor 11:18-19
Jesus said when speaking to the Jews that he came not to bring peace, but division.  So I would argue - debate like this is good and necessary - because it reveals those who are approved by God.
In return for permission to leave, the Oostburg congregation offered a $100,000 “gift” to the presbytery that would be used for ministry in keeping with the conscience of the congregation. In return, it would keep the church property, valued at about $750,000.
 That's a great return on investment!
A church committee formed to study the Oostburg request has raised concerns about releasing the congregation to a denomination [ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians] it considers not yet stable.
OK, so the Presbyterian Church (USA) having voted for divestment of companies who assist with Israel's so called "occupation." and who has taken an axe to the doctrinal tree over liberalizing homosexuality is worried that this small congregation is joining a demomination that it considers not stable.  Pots and Kettles my friend.
In the end, the Presbytery doesn’t want Oostburg to leave, Howard said, suggesting the inclusion of dissonant voices helps the broader church in its discernment.
I would have thought that having people in leadership that have the Holy Spirit's Gift of Discernment would help the church more than dissonant voices.
“The challenge is how do we honor them as a church of Jesus Christ and at the same time honor the commitment to the PCUSA, which means there’s a financial piece there,” [Rev Craig] Howard [executive presbyter of the 11-county Presbytery of Milwaukee.]  said. [Source: Feb 2014 Presbyterians seek unity—or amicable split—on gay clergy ]

I must state here that at the time of writing this, that this applies to the USA Presbyterian Church only.  The Vanuatu PC has issued a statement that it does not support the decision of PCUSA over gay clergy and same sex marriages.  However, it must also be remembered that the Vanuatu PC is tiny in comparison to the USA PC and eventually there will come a time when the PC here will either have to fall in line with gay clergy and marriage OR break away.  Vanuatu PC has to contend with some uniquely disturbing issues that have surfaced recently (about which I am considering posting in the future).  All I will say at this stage is that I pray that the Presbyterian Church elects to break away, so that those of you who are approved may be evident..

In the end, the behaviour of the Presbyterian Church in appeasing the gay community and groups opposed to Israel, by making symbolic gestures of divestment and allowing a falling away of doctrinal belief (and I use the term falling away deliberately) has done more damage than they realise. The Presbyterian Church in America is undergoing an identity crisis quite literally of biblical proportions. It is being torn apart by the current wave of liberalism acting against sound doctrines and is very rapidly losing its salt. Rather than standing up for sound doctrines and contending for the faith, it would rather succumb to public opinions.  The result being that they have inadvertantly become a poster boy for the adversary.

We are witnessing (and this is not a recent thing) the compromised church.  The Church that is too afraid to stand up for what is right and to stand up and contend for the faith.  During the recent marriage equality debates in America, a evangelist said this, which is all so true.
What would happen if the entire body of Christ became united and spoke with one voice concerning what is right? Imagine what a difference that could have made this past week. What were we doing as the Supreme Court was hearing arguments that could set precedent to redefine the biblical definition of marriage? This past week, the biggest headlines came from a secular company [Starbucks] taking an unapologetic secular stance on the issue. Where was the voice of the church?
Have we heeded the advice of some Christian leaders and recognized we are on the “wrong side” of the issue and that it’s time to “adapt or die”? Are we adopting a position of silence? Have we counted the cost and decided it’s not something worth fighting for?
Marriage is a sacred issue before it is a state issue. If the church chooses not to use its voice at this time, we leave God’s gift of marriage in the hands of politicians, political action groups and lobbyists. If we are complacent at this time, America becomes the casualty of our compromise. [Daniel K. Norris is an evangelist who works alongside Steve Hill bringing the message of revival and repentance to the nations. Together they co-host a broadcast called From the Frontlines. Norris also the hosts the Collision Youth Conference that is broadcast all over the world. He can be contacted at]
 Interstingly, it was a challenge at the Starbucks AGM in 2013 where CEO Howard Shultz shut down an investor who asked if the company’s support of a gay marriage initiative in Washington state was to blame for a disappointing earnings season.  His answer was, “Some things are not a financial decision.” His bold words brought immediate applause from the other shareholders. Shultz then added that if the investor didn’t like the company’s position, he was welcome to “sell [his] shares … and buy shares in another company. Thank you very much.”  Here is a secular CEO standing up to his ungodly belief in gay marriage on what he beleives are moral grounds.  He does not care if it affects his company financially.

Perhaps the Presbyterian Church USA or any other church that is prepared to not stand up for the Gospel, and to contend for the faith, but compromise doctrine with liberalism should sell their shares and buy shares in another...what?.... faith?
Now regarding the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to be with him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, not to be easily shaken from your composure or disturbed by any kind of spirit or message or letter allegedly from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord is already here. Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not arrive until the rebellion [KJV: falling away] comes and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction. 2Thess 2:1-3
Those who know me and read my posts will note how I have previously slammed Mormon Inc for their backtrack on their own doctrine over pressure from public opinion.  (regarding their doctrine on black people).  What we see here is similar in character.  In regards to falling away, the only difference between Mormon Inc and PCUSA is that the former is further down the same road.

As the Prophet Hosea said to Israel once, which seems quite appropriate today

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6 [ESV]
I send out a strong message all people Vanuatu and especially at this time to the Presbyerian Church.  Your people are slowly being destroyed for lack of knowedge.  One one hand, the lack of knowledge in a mental sense (ie, lack of education) makes it all too easy for false teaching to infiltrate your minds, but on the other hand, those with knowlege in a spiritual sense (the Churches) are rejecting sound doctrine.  That will not make me popular with many, but I am not out to be popular.  Eternal Life is not given to the more popular in the eyes of the world.  

We are entering a period of history where knowledge of the Word of God will see a person stand or fall.  Every beleiver must ensure that they read God's Word as regularly as they eat food.  God's Word but be inscribed on their heart.  In Hebrew, the word heart refert to intellect and knowledge.  What we call, "from the heart" in hebrew is the word that means guts, or more accurately, of the bowels. 

Apply your heart to instruction ​​​​​​and your ears to the words of knowledge.  prov 21:12
The kingdom of God is compared to a field with tares amongst the wheat.  Tares look like wheat and grow like wheat, but when they flower their difference is revealled.  The harvest is nearly ready, the wheat will get sorted from the tares, the wheat will enter the storehouse, while the tares will be burnt.  I pray that you choose this day whom you will serve.  I pray in the name of Jesus, that you choose Him and not popular public opinion.  Right now, Vanuatu enjoys public opinion that is mostly compatable with sound doctrine, but what happens when that happens. 
For I want you to know how great a struggle I have for you, and for those in Laodicea [how appropriate see Rev 3:14-22], and for those who have not met me face to face. My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this so that no one will deceive you through arguments that sound reasonable.  Col 2:1-4
When the Israelites hand entered the promised land they were met by a people who worshipped many different idols.  They had come from Egypt where they had served egyptian gods.  Idol worship was popular.  The Israelites were called out to be unique in that they served only one God and ordered to destroy all foreign gods.  This was not popular.  Just prior to Joshua's death, he laid down a challenge which I also give to you.  It is not popular and will become increasingly less popular, but it will save you.

Choose this day whom you will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15)

STATEMENT: Just as I talk strongly about Mormon Inc and other cults, I do not go around hating Mormons.  Likewise, while I have taken a strond condemning stand against PCUSA, I do not condemn Presbyterians.  It is not Presbyterians who are at fault here, it is some members of their executive in one part of the wider Prebyterian worldwide congregation.  How much this rotten apple causes further rot to other apples in the basket remains to be seen.
The latest News:
Senior officials at the White House and the US State Department held a confidential meeting to discuss the possibility of leveling sanctions against Israel to deter the Israeli government from launching new construction projects in settlements across the West Bank and in East Jerusalem neighborhoods, Israeli officials were quoted as saying on Thursday.
According to Israeli daily Haaretz, the Obama administration discussion took place following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s October meeting with US President Barack Obama in Washington and against the backdrop of the subsequent public spat over Israeli building plans in East Jerusalem’s Givat Hamatos area.
The White House has not yet decided how or when to implement any such sanctions against Israel, the report said, quoting senior Israeli officials. US officials had no comment on the report. [Source:]
Some experts in US-Israeli relations are claiming this as a political ploy from the left leaning Haaretz newspaper, timed with its release just before Israel elections.  However, we will wait and see.


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