This presentation was simply copied and extracted
from a pamphlet bearing the same name by Chosen People Publications; 241 East
Street, New York, NY 10022. The full version, including the original
prophesy and the fulfilment in the New Testament can be found in the documents>articles section at
Prophesy: Prediction of the future under the influence of divine guidance
God of the bible has extended Himself in order to communicate with mankind. Using faithful servants, God speaks forth His
mercy, His justice and His love. It was
in love that the Creator of the universe appointed prophets to speak forth on
His behalf and occasionally foretell events yet to be, in order that we might
be able to identify mercy and love as coming from God Himself, and that
finally, all mankind might be able to identify and receive his Anointed One,
Yeshua, the Messiah.
the day that Messiah gave his life as a sacrifice for sin, twenty seven such
prophecies or predictions were fulfilled.
This was accomplished that we might not doubt, but believe in the one
whom the Lord send to bring redemption.
Prophesy 1: The betrayal of the Messiah by his Friend
Prophesy 2: The Messiah was forsaken by His disciples
Prophesy 3: The price paid for betraying the Messiah
Prophesy 4: To what use the betrayal money would be put
Prophesy 5: The scourging of the Messiah
Prophesy 6: Shame, reproach, dishonour foretold
Prophesy 7: Prophesy of the Smitten Shepherd
Prophesy 8: The parting of the Messiah’s Garment
Prophesy 9: Messiah would not open His mouth at His trial
Prophesy 10: The crucifixion
Prophesy 11: The prophesy of Messiah’s thirst
Prophesy 12: His thirst quenched with bitterness
Prophesy 13: They stare at Messiah on the cross
Prophesy 14: Messiah’s pierced hands and feet
Prophesy 15: Messiah’s pierced side
Prophesy 16: His heart broken
Prophesy 17: The taunting, hatred and railing of the mob
Prophesy 18: Messiah is the Lamb of God
Prophesy 19: The Messiah would be an intercessor on behalf of transgressors
Prophesy 20: Messiah’s intense, lonely cry in the hour of His suffering
Prophesy 21: The prophesy of his disfigurement, caused by the brutality of the soldiers
Prophesy 22:Messiah’s cry of triumph and victory
Prophesy 23: Messiah, like the Passover lamb, would not have a single broken bone
Prophesy 24: Messiah would be numbered with the transgressors (that is, considered a sinner, although he was without sin)
Prophesy 25: The Messiah was to be cut off (killed), but not for Himself
Prophesy 26: The struggle against Satan and the triumph of the Messiah [This is the oldest Messianic prophesy of all, recorded in the first book of the Torah]
Prophesy 27: The place of Messiah’s burial – A rich man’s tomb
“In order that the scripture
might be fulfilled” is a phrase that appears over and over in the gospel accounts of the
life and death and resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus), the Messiah.
fulfilment of the prophecies concerning Messiah far exceed what has been
presented here. Here we have only spoken
of those prophesies fulfilled in a single day.
God has given us enough to have faith.
Enough to believe. Enough to say
“yes” to the offer of eternal and abundant life He extends to us. Enough to see that Yeshua was more than a
remarkable man or a knowledgeable teacher.
But these are written that
you may believe that Yeshua is the Messiah, he Son of God, and that by
believing you may have life in his name – John 20:31
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