Friday, 12 December 2014

The activity of the SDA sponsored Last Empire Crusades of late, and the curent revisit by its False teachers has generated this CULT ALERT for the nation of Vanuatu.  All Christians and those confused by this lastest development need to be assured that Sunday keepers are safe. 

PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY: This advisory is not against individual members that go to the SDA church - MANY OF WHOM I HAVE A FRIENDSHIP WITH, many of whom do so because they accept that Jesus Christ is Lord and master, that he is the Son of God and that he is God.  That Jesus died on the cross as full and final payment for their sins. That Jesus was buried and rose again and intercedes for us as High Priest in Heaven.  And that one day Jesus will return for his people and soon after will reign as King.  Those who believe in that, as most SDAs in fact do are well advised to know that this is scripturally sound belief.  That is the good news. 

The bad news is that they are also unaware that they are becoming members of an organisaiotn that, while declaring what I have just stated, have a much deeper, historical, core set of beliefs that are beginning to emerge, as demonstrated during the Last Empire crusade.  

Those considering baptism would be well advised to search the facts - many have been written about in the posts below, which include plenty of references to the bible and also from the writings of Ellen G White, and other big men in the SDA movement.

If you want to know the evidence, check out the many posts below:
  1. Introduction
  2. Did the Catholics force Sunday worship? Part I
  3. Did the Catholics force Sunday worship? Part II
  4. Why is the New Testament silent regarding the Sabbath requirement?
  5. Given great opportunities, why are jesus and the Apostles silent regarding the Sabbath Requirement?
  6. Did the first humans through to the patriarchs (Adam, Seth, Noah, Abraham, etc) observe the Sabbath?
  7. Did God instigate the Sabbath in Genesis 2:2-3? 
  8. Has the Sabbath always been in existence?
  9. Does the  Sabbath law apply to Gentiles? 
  10. What happened in Western Samoa and Tuvalu.  Are SDAs there going to receive the Mark of the Beast? 
  11. Do SDAs have a problem with Pentecost? 
  12. Is there a difference between Moral and Ceremonial Law? 
  13. Are SDAs guilty of Judaising?(available after 12 Dec 2014)
  14. Is Ellen G White a True or a False Prophet?  Part I
  15. Is Ellen G White a True or a False Prophet?  Part I
Further evidence has come to light after careful research.  This will follow in the new year.  All I can say at this stage is that the three vows that those baptized must declare contain hidden meanings that people are completely unaware of.

As a result of recent actions by the SDA Church in Vanuatu, the Cult Alert page has been updated.  Find the link on the right side of the website, or (for those reading by email), or click here


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