Saturday, 15 November 2014

About a year back I posted a blog where I walked about the "Stengthening Members Committee," a shadowy spy organisation within the Mormon Corporation. 

In that post, I mentioned that sooner or later, this blog will be monitored just like the rest. 

Well, lo and behold the inevitable happened!

Welcome on board! I pray that in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 
  1. who died on the cross for the sins of the world, 
  2. who was buried 
  3. and who rose again, 
  4. and is seated at the right hand of God interceding for me, 
  5. and who was very much involved in the creation of this world and the universe that we live in,

that you too come to a true knowledge and grace of the Father, the mercy of his Son and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit.  

I am the way, the truth and the life.  No-one comes to the Father, except through me. Jn 14:6

May those of you reading this in Salt Lake City and who may be working for the Strengthening Members Committee come to know Jesus as your personal saviour like those of ex-Mormons, including a line of Apostles, GAs and Bishops have before you.  I very much enjoy sharing my testimony with mormons in Vanuatu and enjoy a chat with the Elders that you send here. 

God bless you


[In comparison to the scale of the Mormon Church, I am a tiny speck, I do not intend on taking down the Mormon Corporation.  I would be deluding myself if I assumed I could.  However, the principles of 1Cor 9:22 and 1Pet 3:15-16 apply - and it works for individuals, including Ni-Vanuatu who are now ex-Mormons!  Praise God!  

Am I a threat to them?  No.  They can ignore me and their corporation will continue to grow here, but for every 100 that sign up to their doctrines, a few leave and come back to the true shepherd.  I cannot describe the burden that lifts from their shoulders when I tell them of the saving grace of Jesus Christ - that is, the one that the Bible is built upon as opposed to the "different Jesus's" out there (2Cor 11:14)]


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