Sunday 4 August 2013

Did you know that the Mormon Church employs spies to watch its members?  This was revealled by a recent BBC documentary called "The Mormon Candidate."  In that documenraty, The two people directly asked about this secret Committee were Elder Jeffrey Holland and Senior Church PR Manager Michael Purdy. 

You can watch a bit of that here.

There is a committee called the "Strengthening Church Members Committee." This is a secret committee that exists within the church that keeps files on the activities on its members. It sends the files to local church leaders with instructions to interrogate them about their commitment to the church. The committee still active today.  How this committee works can be seen in this short piece from Jerald and Sandra Tanner,and found on the ex-Mormon website Mormon Curtain.  I only put a small piece of the extract here.  Check out Mormon Curtain for the rest, or purchase the book.

Material originally extracted from "The Changing World Of Mormonism", Jerald and Sandra Tanner; Moody Press, Chicago, 1981; Chapter 10.
Since 1976 the Mormon church was repeatedly embarrassed by one of its own members who became alienated over the anti-black doctrine and decided to take matters into his own hands. On April 3, 1976 the Salt Lake Tribune reported that Douglas A. Wallace "ordained a black into the priesthood Friday, saying he did so in an attempt to force a revision in Mormon doctrine about the Negro race.... Wallace said he has long been bothered by the Mormon Church's bias against blacks, and he feels the time has come to challenge it. He said often all that is required to change a policy is for someone to break out of tradition ... he hopes there are no recriminations against him for his action, such as excommunication."

On April 13, 1976 the Salt Lake Tribune revealed that "Douglas A. Wallace was excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Sunday for ordaining a black man into the church's priesthood." ... (Ibid., October 4, 1976). 
Douglas Wallace filed lawsuits amounting to millions of dollars against the Mormon church, and although he was not able to prevail against the church in the courts, the publicity surrounding the suits caused the church no end of trouble. We feel that his actions and the embarrassment they caused the church played a part in bringing about the decision to have a new "revelation."
I find this excerpt amazing because it again highlights the issues the church has with black members.  A doctrine that some in the Cult denies ever existed.

So what is known of the Cult.  This from the website "Recovery from Mormonism." (also known as
So what did we learn for sure about this Committee?
1. It exists and operates today, right now.
2. It monitors members who it perceives as not towing the line to the extent their behaviour may affect others.
3. It is secretive and shadowy.
4. It's activities are such that senior Church leaders are uncomfortable talking about it and would be, initially, prepared to lie about it's existence and purpose.
We can also surmise that:
5. Tithing pays the wages of the people working full time for the Committee.
6. The Committee actively monitors online forums such as this one.
7. People like Grant Palmer and Michael Quinn have been victims of this Committee.
The one true Church of God on the earth today...yeah right...

Now that I am putting in more effort into highlighting the major deceptions behind the Mormon Church, it is likely that in a short period of time, this website too will be monitored.

Is this committee active in Vanuatu?  I believe it is.  I also believe that it is also active in spying on anyone that speaks out against the cult.  In fact, just by calling the LDS organisation a cult is enough to bring the accuser to their attention.  I was recently in Malekula where I was running a series of seminars on the False Christian Cults - Mormonism is one of these.  When out of the blue, a young American man showed up.  He says he was working for the Peace Corps in neighboring Brenwe village.  He had been working for two years and was due to return home.  Now if anyone has experience with Peace Corps in this part of the world, one thing you notice is that they arrive clean cut, but after two years in the wilds,they go what can be best described as feral!  (Bushy beard, shorts, singlet, bare feet and woven basket.)  This man was young, immaculate, had nice clothes and a western style backpack.  He was NOT Peace Corps.

Secondly, Brenwe is a main base for Mormons in Malekula.
Thirdly, he said that he was good friends with two missionaries representing the "Church of Christ."  This is suspicious because the "Church of Christ" in Vanuatu is not the "Church of Christ" that founded the Mormon Church.  It is more Calvanistic and Philanthropic in nature, like Presbyterians.  The neighbouring island of Ambae is strongly CoC.  I do not believe that the CoC currently has missionaries (or volunteers) in Brenwe, but I have written to them to find out if it is true.
Fourthly: I asked him what he was doing here, and he said that he came to "Stikem Nek"  (That is Bislama for trying to peddle something, or to solicit.

I believe that he was sent to investigate me on behalf of this committee, or maybe I am rating myself too highly to think that you even care about what I do.  There are better ways to find out who I am and what makes me tick.  Just ask me directly. I would love to share with you.  You do not need to send spies.

[UPDATE: Above I quoted from the following - :6. The Committee actively monitors online forums such as this one."  Well, now they are observing this blog site!  I am in esteemed company it seems!   lol.  See my "Mormons are Watching" Post]


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