Sunday 4 August 2013

Dear member of the Mormon Faith

Recently the LDS Organisation showed an interest in my operations as it may be posing a threat to your faith.   They sent a spy, disguised as a Peace Corps member to investigate me when I was recently on Malekula.  It was too bad that after 2 years, he was immaculately presented - so unlike the standard Peace Corps volunteer after 2 years living in a remote village.  One thing that you are good at is dressing and presenting yourself well.

If you are part of the Mormon Leadership here in Vanuatu, can I suggest that you simply come out and ask me straight what I am doing.  There is no need to hide behind deceptive techniques like this.  I am open to discussion.  No doubt you know where I live,what I drive, who are my friends and how to contact me.  You know all about me because the secretive committee called the  "Strengthening Church Members Committee" which mainly spies on its own church members may actually be also spying on those who are opposed to it's own cause.  It is likely that I have appeared on the SCMC radar as a threat.

So pick up the phone and call.  If you want to know what I think and what I talk about, but are too afraid to ask, check out the articles tab.  It links to my cloud storage.  Actually I encourage every Mormon to check out what I write about there.  I provide many references straight out of Mormon Literature,including your Standard Works, and publications written by the men you look up to as your prophets from God, so there is no disputing is there?

I understand that you use the Book of Mormon as your definitive guide to everything, but it does concern me that you cannot show in the BoM supporting scripture for your current doctrines. For example, your doctrine states that there is more than one God.  You can find that in D&C 132:20 and 37, yet in the BoM, Alma 11:26-29 states there is only one God.  No doubt, you as a leader can explain that away somehow, after all you must defend your faith despite the truth, because you have invested a large part of your life to chasing that belief.  

If you are a missionary, you no doubt have been sent away from your family for about 2 years.  You believe strongly that you are sent by the LDS church to spread the Gospel as outlined by your Prophet Joseph Smith.  However, why is it that you never see a missionary witness in his own village, or city, or even Island.  Why were you sent to somewhere entirely away from your family.  Why does your name badge not show your first name.  I like to introduce myself by first name.  You can call me Dan.  I know that you find it hard to be away from your family and that you yearn to call home, but the church forbids you calling home except on Mother's Day and Christmas Day.  That must be hard - to lose that much contact with your family and even to lose contact with your very name.  I do not understand that the LDS Church promotes family values on one hand but then takes young men and women away from those families.

Your family are sacrificing a great deal to enable you to live out your dream of serving the LDS Church.  I hear that one young man from Malekula is currently in NZ for 3 months training, kindly provided free by the Mormon Church.  All his family had to do was sign a "Covenant" with the church that they would agree to become members of the church and to give tithes.  The fact that a covenant is a binding contract until the death of one of the parties, means that your family signed their lives away to give you what you wanted.  

So to put in all that effort,and considering the commitment your family has agree to, but to discover that it is all in vain would be traumatic for you.  You feel you can never walk away even if you do come to realise how much deception the Church has hidden from you out of fear of letting your family, who you love, down. 

But thankfully, there is a God of mercy who by his grace can forgive you even now for your error.  The same God can also free your family from the yolk of bondage too.  You see, my God, the Almighty God, the creator of the Universe, through his Son Jesus Christ made it always possible to find a way to Him.   All you have to do is ask him and repent.

I have quite a few Mormon friends, along with other friends from cults like SDA and Jehovah's Witnesses.  I enjoy talking to you and finding out from you directly what you believe.  I may not always agree with what your Church believes but I do believe this - I do not want you to follow a road that has no eternal life.  I want you to enjoy eternal life in Jesus Christ.  In fact the other day, I talked to an American missionary called Dan and his counterpart from Australia - Calvin.  Two nice young men who have a zeal for their faith that is commendable, but the fact the zeal is misguided concerns me.  I wish that true followers of Jesus would have the same zeal as you have for your faith, but sadly they do not.   I am interested in discussing your doctrine and sharing my doctrine with you, but for some reason, you often seem reluctant.  When I was in Malekula, I asked an Elder to share his Gospel message with a group of the men from the village, yet he was reluctant to do so.  That is a sad situation where this man who was on a mission from your Church would not sit down and take this excellent opportunity.  I am never afraid to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone who wants to listen.

I am interested that you always talk about your Testimony, and yet if I ask for conclusive proof that your testimony is true, you cannot provide that.  My understanding of a testimony is that which is presented in a court of law as fact.  In other words, you are a witness to the fact.  So why is it that you spent a great deal of time memorizing the same testimony that every other missionary memorizes.  Is that your testimony?  If that was a court, and I had ten eyewitnesses testify the exact same thing - word for word, I would label that as suspicious.  Can you please provide clear evidence that what you testify is a true and accurate record of events and facts.

I thank you for taking the time to read and consider this letter.  I am concerned for your eternity, and it is out of love for you that I take time to write this letter.  Do I hate Mormons? Absolutely not, but just like in politics, there is a political party that I support and one that I speak against because I disagree with their policy.  Yet, in NZ we get two votes - one for the Party and one for our electorate candidate.  When it comes time to vote, I vote for my party, yet I vote for a candidate that is actually from a party that I do not agree with at all!  The same it is with you. Despite the fact that you are a member of an organisation that clearly has many doctrinal problems, I still do not hate you for that.

2John 1:3 Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

Dan Dempsey


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