Here are some links to sites that are particularly useful:

Christian Apologetics
CARM is a 501(c)3, non-profit, Christian ministry dedicated to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and the promotion and defense of the Christian Gospeldoctrine, and theology.  To do this, CARM analyzes religious and non-religious movements and compares them to the Bible.  We examine abortionatheismevolutionIslam,Jehovah's WitnessesMormonismrelativismRoman CatholicismWiccauniversalism, (and much more), along with Christian preachers and teachers.  In all our analyses we use the Bible as the final standard of truth in order to defend and promote Christianity

 TRUTH OR FABLES strives to provide an objective look at the teachings of Ellen G. White.
We provide resource material documenting inconsistencies within the doctrines of Adventism as well as showing its contradictions and additions to biblical teachings. Further, we expose Ellen White's failed visions and non-scientific health reform messages.
This site is helpful for Adventists, former Adventists, and the general public in providing documentation of the problems within Adventist dogma. It is also a call for honestrepentance and change within Adventism.


Utah Lighthouse Ministry
Founded by Jerald and Sandra Tanner.
The purpose of this site is to document problems with the claims of Mormonism and compare LDS doctrines with Christianity.


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