Wednesday, 29 October 2014

The 364 day year was known in Mesopotamia not only in the seventh century before the establishment of the Jewish exilic community, but also during the time of the Second Temple. Although the exact relationship between the cuneiform astronomical materials presented above, and the 364 day year in ancient Israel remains uncertain, the cuneiform evidence places knowledge of the 364 day year in post-Nebuchadnezzar II Babylonia—a time and place where it would have been available to ancient Israel. Thus, it would appear that the Mesopotamian 364day year is the ultimate source for the 364 day year found in the Apocrypha and Qumran [Dead Sea Scrolls] texts. "
The 360 and 364 Day Year in Ancient Mesopotamia"
Hebrew University
A 364 day year is exactly 52 weeks x 7 days.  But what happens now that we have a 365 day year?  That makes 52 weeks PLUS ONE DAY.  So every year the Sabbath "Seventh Day" moves out by one day according to the system as used by those of Daniel's time through to the time of the second Temple - (ie, the time of Christ).

To complicate it we have a leap year where every four years we add a day.  The SDAs have tried to squeeze an ancient Law in to a modern calendar.

Now add this.
This year length of 12 months plus 10 additional days is attested in Mesopotamia from the seventh century  B.C.E.  onwards, and itself represents an improvement on an ideal 360 day calendar year that dates back to the fourth millennium  B.C.E
Abstract - The 360 and 364 Day Year in Ancient Mesopotamia"
Hebrew University 

So before Daniel's time there was a 360 day calendar - WHICH DOES NOT DIVIDE BY SEVEN! (51 WEEKS PLUS THREE).  Furthermore, this calendar dates back to the fourth millennium BCE, that is about 2,000 years before Moses and therefore at least 1600 years before Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  So what "Day" was the Sabbath on?

This is why the Israelites were known to have observed the Sabbath days on the 8th (First Quarter), 15th (Full moon), 22nd (Last Quarter) and 29th (New Moon) of each month - 'Saturday' being a non existent thing.  According to the first day (or 29th) being the New Moon.  So what happens if we interpose a 30 day week on this cycle (as in the number of days in November?)  Then the extra two days mean that the time between the "29th" and the "8th" would be 9 days and not seven.  If we are to superimpose the Gregorian calendar on top of the Jewish one, we would find that every month, the "Sabbath" falls 2 or 3 days earlier.  So if we say that the "Sabbaths" in November fall on Saturday, then in December they would fall on a Thursday! 

Are you confused?  probably because you cannot picture a Jewish calendar on top of our current calendar.  Because the religious calendar had a 28 day month. that our Gregorian Calendar doesn't have (the one we use today), we cannot use it as a measure for declaring Saturday as the Sabbath.

Being faithful to the Sabbath Saturday is completely irrelevant to a Christian's walk with Christ. 

For all intents and purposes, one could view any day as the right one for the Sabbath and be correct.  
Col 2:16  Therefore do not let anyone judge you with respect to food or drink, or in the matter of a feast, new moon, or Sabbath days – 
...because, amongst other more important issues, noone actually can confirm whether it is Saturday or not and also why it is stated in Acts that the disciples (early Christians) met on every day of the week.

A question for Sabbath Keepers.  Did God declare, "Let there be light," on Monday?



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