This week in the Vanuatu Times, the headline article was a “Staff Reporter” (unnamed) reporting about a “Strong Christian” (also unnamed)...

Discerning the Truth in the Gospel and speaking out against false religions in Vanuatu.
This week in the Vanuatu Times, the headline article was a “Staff Reporter” (unnamed) reporting about a “Strong Christian” (also unnamed)...
Is it possible for a Christian to lose their salvation. This is a discussion that has been debated for a very long time. In this post I ...
The Mormon Corporation is very proud in demonstrating how much it gives to charity. Recently it announced that the LDS "Church...
The Adventists teach Healthy Living The Baptists teach water baptism The Charismatics teach signs and wonders The Dutch reformed...
Today a group from America and one Norwegian visited Prima Village. They brought with them a stack of Bislama bibles made possible by the ...
I was chatting to a Mormon Elder the other day, when his defence that the Mormon Corporation is from God and is the true church is becaus...
How true is this cartoon! If you believe that you never hear Jesus talking to you then perhaps you are simply not listening. That is usua...
What makes a true Christian different from everyone else? You will tell me, it is one that follows the Lord Jesus Christ and his commandme...
I have posted up three PowerPoints on the Jehovah's Witness cult. 1. Man-Jehova - Bigfala Giaman Doktrin Blong Kalt ia This looks ...
I have put my three PowerPoints that I use when talking about the Seventh Day Adventist Church. They are written in Bislama but use English...
This message is for my Baha'i friends. One thing about you, my Baha'i friends, is that you are all very nice, polite and...
Recently Port Vila was host to the Baha'i sponsored "Youth Empowerment Conference." I was grateful for the opportunity to sha...
I was asked by some church leaders a while ago as to whether breakfast crackers are appropriate for communion, and is it such a big deal. ...
The Wordless book (or banner) used in China I was reading sermon by Charles H Spurgeon the other day called the Wordless Book . This bo...
The Boys on the mat that had the close enounter Last night I had just finished a talk to a fellowship at Melektri and during the singin...
As a part of my bible study program at Prima where I have been covering the main Biblical Doctrines, I am up to teaching the Doctrine of the...
If you have never heard of Charles H Spurgeon, then you are missing out on the teaching of one of Gods greatest teachers every to grace Chri...
This is interesting - especiallythe link made between the Mormon oath and that of freemasonry. Also note the man in the support group at ...
Here is the Faith in God Program and Award that young Mormon boys study in their Primary . I find it interesting that once a boys completes ...
Dear member of the Mormon Faith Recently the LDS Organisation showed an interest in my operations as it may be posing a threat to your fai...