Tuesday 4 February 2014

2Tim 3:15-17 (KJV)
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
There are many false religious cults in Vanuatu that claim that the Bible cannot be trusted. This is a devotion, so I will not go over who they are and why they are wrong. Rather I want you this week to meditate on what follows that hopefully sheds some light on the inerrancy of the bible. Inerrant is a nice technical term meaning, “without error.” By then end I pray that you believe with all your heart and mind that that bible is true. This is a faith building exercise!

We know from evidence that the Bible is the Word of God – that is, divinely inspired words from God Himself, delivered through authors in a form that we mere humans can understand. The bible is unique and is set apart from other religious works such as the Quran or The Book of Mormon. Here is that evidence. Firstly and of absolute importance - The bible says it is (above)

Of course if you do not trust the bible you will not trust the text above. So let us look at some more pieces of evidence

The hundreds of detailed prophesies in the bible regarding nations, cities and even individuals have come true, being fulfilled, or speak of the end days (so naturally have not come to pass yet. There are over three hundred prophesies about Christ in the Old Testament, including the fact that he would be born a virgin, he would be a descendant of David, he would die by having his hands and feet pierced and that he would rise again. Another example is Ezekiel’s prophesy about Tyre written in 588BC (Ezek 26) King Nebuchadnezzar would overthrow the city. This happened in 586BC – two years after the prophesy! Then in Ezekiel 27, we read another prophesy, where he said the winds from the East would rise up and throw the city into the sea. In 332BC, Alexander the Great (from the East) layed siege to the island and used the ruins of the city to build a causeway to the mainland. Tyre was literally thrown into the sea!

Outside the bible we have evidence from archaeology and early writings that prove it is an accurate historical record. In fact, many universities list the bible as an important historical work because of its accuracy.

The authors of the bible were men of integrity. They were all honest and sincere people. All the Apostles except John died excruciating deaths having never confessed against what they wrote.

Finally the bible has proven to be indestructible. Roman Emperors like Diocletian (who was worse than Nero), communist dictators some scientist like Voltaire, American Presidents like Thomas Jefferson and modern day atheists tries to get the book wiped off the face of the earth.

1Pet 1:24-25 (NET)
For ​​​​​​all flesh is like grass ​​​​​​and all its glory like the flower of the grass; ​​​​​​the grass withers and the flower falls off,​​​​​​​but the word of the Lord endures forever. ​​​​​​And this is the word that was proclaimed to you.

This week I want you to read the prophesy regarding Christ’s death and resurrection – Read the following in order - 
Psalms 22:1 - Matthew 27:46
Ps 22:7 – Matt 27:39-43
Ps 22:15 – John 19:28
Ps 22:18 – Jn 19:24
Ps 22:29 – Rom 14:11
Ps 22:30-31 – Matt 28:18-20
Ac 2:36
Phil 2:9-10
1 Pet 2:9-10


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