I have posted up three PowerPoints on the Jehovah's Witness cult. 1. Man-Jehova - Bigfala Giaman Doktrin Blong Kalt ia This looks ...

Discerning the Truth in the Gospel and speaking out against false religions in Vanuatu.
I have posted up three PowerPoints on the Jehovah's Witness cult. 1. Man-Jehova - Bigfala Giaman Doktrin Blong Kalt ia This looks ...
I have put my three PowerPoints that I use when talking about the Seventh Day Adventist Church. They are written in Bislama but use English...
This message is for my Baha'i friends. One thing about you, my Baha'i friends, is that you are all very nice, polite and...
Recently Port Vila was host to the Baha'i sponsored "Youth Empowerment Conference." I was grateful for the opportunity to sha...